NAME Francis Doran
BORN 29 August 1890 England
DIED Poss. 1928
UNIT R.A.M.C. No. 2 Field Ambulance
ENLISTED Newcastle 8 May 1918
DISCHARGED Medically unfit

  Francis Doran obtained a block on Hillview Soldier Settlement – No. 314 – in the County of Cumberland, Parish of St Luke, Parramatta Land District. It consisted of seven acres. He took possession on 10 May 1920.[1]   He underwent training at Grantham before taking up the block at Hillview.[2]


[1] SRNSW:  Lands Department; NTS 8058, Returned Soldiers loan files; [12/7052 No. ?] Francis Doran, Approval to take up a block at Hillview 7 May 1920.

[2] Ibid, Confirmation of a place at Grantham 14 February 1920.

Sources used to compile this entry:

State Records NSW:  Lands Department; NRS 8058, Returned Soldiers loan files; [12/7052 No. ?] Francis Doran

National Archives of Australia: B2455, First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers (Francis Doran) online: