NAME Robert Dunn Medley
BORN 17 May 1894 South Shields Durham England
DIED 1945
UNIT 17th Battalion
ENLISTED  Liverpool, 11 February 1915
DISCHARGED Medically Unfit Sydney January 1919 

 Robert Medley took possession of Portion 224 consisting of six acres at Hillview Soldier Settlement.  This was in the County of Cumberland Parish of St. Luke Parramatta Land District.

 While training at Grantham, he had requested the block at Hillview.[1]


[1] SRNSW:  Lands Department;  NRS 8058, Returned Soldiers loan files, [12/7052 No. 4939] Robert Dunn Medley,  R.D. Medley to M. Mulcahy SS Seven Hills nd.

Sources used to compile this entry:

State Records NSW: Lands Department; NRS 8058, Returned Soldiers loan files [12/7052 No. 4939] Robert Dunn Medley

National Archiveds of Australia:  B2455, First Australian Imperial Force Personnel Dossiers (Robert Dunn Medley) online: